
SmadAV 2018

SmadAV 2018 is a freeware antivirus app filed under antivirus and made available by SmadAV for Windows. The review for Smadav 2018 For Windows has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC. If you would like to submit a review of this software download, we welcome your input and encourage you to submit us something! Most antivirus software can not be installed with another antivirus, it is because the antivirus is designed for primary protection on your computer. SmadAV, is a type of antivirus SmadAV are designed as additional protection so 100% compatible and can work well although there has been another antivirus on your computer, in this case SmadAV serves as a second line of defense. SmadAV has its own way (behavior, heuristic, and whitelisting) in detecting and cleaning viruses that will further enhance the security on your computer. Because the resource usage is very small SmadAV, SmadAV will not increase your computer's performance unde